Announcements for July 3, 2022
New office hours for the summer starting July 6.
Wednesday and Thursday: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Messages at the church will be checked daily.
July 6: Quilting at 1:00pm Come join us!
July 6: Music Committee Meeting 1:30pm
July 17: St. Olaf Summer BBQ & Picture Day for directory,
following worship. Hamburger, Hot Dogs, buns, condiments
and drinks provided by Church council.
Bring Potluck Salads and Desserts, see signup sheet on white board for workers etc.
Bring your own plates and cutlery (some on hand if needed)
Readers List: In case you’ve been missed, and you would like to try your hand at reading the lessons on Sundays.
Here’s your chance, please see the white board and sign up.
Pastor Greg is back from Holidays this week!
Thank you, Pastor Hugh, for leading our service again this morning!
Thank you to Pastor Bill Cantelon who was our Emergency Contact while Pastor Greg was gone.
Let’s help build a garden!
Kathryn Scott has emailed Council about a project that she is working on at Sambaa K’e First Nations (Trout Lake, NT) .
If anyone has any ideas about this project please direct them to Church Council, or the office and we can forward to council.