April 30: Confirmation after the service

April 30: April Birthday Potluck Lunch and Info Session on the “Warming Bus” for underhoused people in our city. An initiative of the SC Ministerial.

May 2: Pastor Greg in Cabri at The Prairie Health Centre at 10:00am.

May 2: Esther Circle and Bible study at the church at 7:00pm

May 3: Bible Study 9:30am

May 3: Quilting 1:00pm

May 4: “Saved by Grace” plays at Willow Creek at 2:00pm 

May 12: See Poster for “Tim and the Glory Boys” at Eastside Church of God.

We are looking for more volunteers to deliver Meals on Wheels. Contact Patti Gatzke 306-773-6464.

CHRISTIAN SALVAGE MISSION is a Canadian ministry that collects gently used Bibles, Christian books and devotional booklets to distribute around the world.  This is a very worthwhile way to recycle good Christian material.  There is a box in the Narthex marked CSM for collecting these materials.  We'll collect them until the end of May or longer, if needed, before making a trip to the depot in Regina.  We already have several boxes of used hymn books ready to go!

Level Ground Fair Trade Coffee: Many flavors of roasted coffee beans and ground. $8.50 for a 300gm bag. Available at the Office. We make no profit from the sale; we sell to support the farmers!

Checkout the Newsletter from “The Center” on the bulletin board.