May 9: Hope Circle Bible Study 1:30pm

May 9: Church Council meeting 7:00pm

May 10: Bible Study 9:30am

May 10: Quilting 1:00pm

May 10: Confirmation run through 7pm

May 11: “Saved by Grace” 2:00pm at The Meadows

May 13: Gladys Moen Funeral 11:00am

Monday May 29: Spring Tea Please come and join us, bring a friend!

May 7:  7:30 pm “Spring into Song” by Prairie Spirit Chamber Choir at Zion Mennonite Church, Tickets at the door. Admission $20 adults; Students $10 with ID

May 12:  “Tim and the Glory Boys” at Eastside Church of God. Doors open at 6:30, concert at 7:00. Call 306-773-4889 or go online to for tickets. 

May 17: “Youth Mental Health Dessert Night” at 7pm at “The Center” Tickets $40 each or $280 for a table of 8. Get tickets online at or call 306-773-3344 for more info. Funds raised will be to support free counselling for youth and families. Checkout the Newsletter from “The Center” on the bulletin board.

CHRISTIAN SALVAGE MISSION is a Canadian ministry that collects gently used Bibles, Christian books and devotional booklets to distribute around the world.  This is a very worthwhile way to recycle good Christian material.  There is a box in the Narthex marked CSM for collecting these materials.  We'll collect them until the end of May or longer, if needed, before making a trip to the depot in Regina.  We already have several boxes of used hymn books ready to go!

The ELW are looking for volunteers to help deliver Meals on Wheels in June. Contact Patti Gatzke 306-773-6464