June 6: Pastor Greg in Cabri at the Prairie Health center 10:00am

June 6: Esther Circle Bible study 7:00pm at the church, potluck.

June 7: NO Quilting this week

June 8: Hope Circle Bible Study at the church at 1:30pm

June 8: “Saved by Grace” at the Meadows 2:00pm

June 11:  Graduation Milestone. If you know of someone who is graduating from Grade 12 or a secondary education program, please let the office know. Encourage any grade 12 students you know to come with their families.

June 7:  Salvation Army Community Meal We are looking for 8 to 10 volunteers to help serve the meal as well as do clean up. Arrival time would be 4:00 and we are usually done with clean-up by 7:00. Location is 780 1st Ave NW There is a sign-up sheet on the white board in the narthex. Call Val Belter at 741-3515.

Pastor Patti will be on vacation from June 7 to the 12.

Pastor Greg will be on vacation from June 19 to July 17

June 25: Grade 2 Reader Milestone At this time the children are presented with an Early Reader’s Bible.  This is a gift to help your child hear and understand God’s good news! If you have a child or know of someone who would like to come, please RSVP either by a quick e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling St. Olaf at (306) 773–4697.

Readers for Sundays: There is a sign-up sheet on the white board for June, July and August. Thanks to all our people who have read in the past!

For the last Sunday of June, July and August, we will take 10 minutes before the service begins to sing your favorite hymns.

The ELW would like to thank everyone who came to the Spring Tea; “Saved by Grace” for entertaining us, the ladies that cooked pies, everyone who set up, served and cleaned up. They collected $628.85 plus lots of non-perishable food items for The Salvation Army. The Salvation Army was very grateful!

Thank you to everyone who helped plant our little garden. The crew had it done in short order. Also thank you to those who donated peat moss, compost, money for flowers and the labour of rototilling and raking.

It is all much appreciated. The Happy Gardeners

The box is still out for CHRISTIAN SALVAGE MISSION or CSM  We will keep collecting until we make a trip to the depot in Regina.