Announcements May 19, 2024
Flowers on the altar in loving Memory of Lawrence Feil from Lillian and Family.
From the Music Committee: Beginning May 26 and continuing on the last Sundays of June, July & August we will a hymn sing of your favorite hymns.
May 20: Salad Smorg Planning Meeting 2 pm
May 21: Pastor Greg at Cabri Health Center 10 am
May 22: Quilting at 1pm
May 22: Music Committee 1:30pm
May 26: Grandparent Milestone for new or any grandparents, that want to be celebrated!
May 27: Set up for Salad Smorg Lunch at the church 1pm
Tuesday May 28 from 11am to 1pm
The ELW will be having a Spring Salad Smorg for the community. The cost is $20. There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex for food and workers. Tickets are on sale in the office!
June 9: Graduation Milestone. If you know of anyone graduating from High School or a Post Secondary
School and would like to be celebrated, please call the office.
We are collecting gently used Christian books for the Christian Salvage Mission who delivers overseas. We will deliver the items at the end of June to the depot in Regina. A box marked CSM will be available in the narthex if you so wish to donate.
Muffins for the Family Resource Centre “Summer Meal Program,” need 17 dozen. Sign-up sheet on the white board.