What We Do


Church and Society and Stewardship

God has richly blessed us in so many ways. Time, talents, financial resources, and generous hearts. We as the Stewardship/Church and Society Committee have the privilege of helping the people of St. Olaf use these resources to God’s glory through: 

  • Raising the awareness of needs and issues of social justice in our community and around the world 

  • Planning and organizing events to make connections, have fun, raise some money, pack a school kit, collect some food....... 

  • Connecting your gifts with the needs of others

God’s Gifted People

Making Connections

Spring into Summer BBQ, Pie Sale/Knead for Dough


Safe Shelter, The Center, Canadian Mental Health, Food Bank


Patagonia Project, On Eagle’s Wings, CLWR projects

Check our Announcements to see current events!

Life Events

Pastoral Care and Visitation

As Christians we are called to love our neighbours as ourselves. We are all called to care for one another. Visitation is one way we can support one another and encourage one another. Congregational members and the Pastors are involved in this ministry. The Pastors are trained in various types of counselling including marriage counselling, crisis counselling and individual counselling. If you would like to be visited or like to participate in our visitation ministry please call the church office!


Marriage in the church is about God being a part of your life and your relationships. God loves us and we love others with the love that God has for us. A relationship based on God’s love gives us a model of unconditional love and forgiveness; something we all need from time to time! The service of Holy Matrimony includes exchanging of vows and rings, a blessing and prayers for the couple and others in their relationships. Please contact one of our Pastors for more information.


The resurrection of Jesus Christ is what gives us hope through life and death. Christ breaks the power of death and gives us the promise of new life through the resurrection. A funeral offers hope and comfort during the time of the loss of a loved one and includes Scriptures, prayers and a commendation to God through Jesus Christ. Please contact one of our Pastors for more information.


Baptism is an act of God’s grace toward us. It is the gift of the Holy Spirit that works in us and gives us faith. We are welcomed into God’s family and grafted onto the family tree through Jesus Christ. Infants and the elderly and anyone in-between are welcome to be baptized; this is God coming to us so there are no pre-conditions. Baptisms mostly happen Sundays during worship. Please contact one of our Pastors for more information.


Confirmation is our spiritual education program for preparing a person for living a life of faith in Jesus Christ.

We offer this program separately for adults and youth.

Our youth program is based using the Spark resource from Augsburg Fortress.

The two year confirmation program ends with a Rite of Affirmation of Faith held on Victoria Day Long weekend.


Bible Studies